Monday 8 May 2017

Questions To Ask When Reading An Ad

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1. The overall effect of the design is to make it seem like the product is really hot. It is colourful but not busy, making it stand out better and the colour suggests that it is hot as it is red. But is also understated as it has a lot of empty space. Old-fashioned because the object in the ad is a fire extinguisher which has been around forever and isn't really new technology.

2. The image would immediately get your attention due to the fact that it is coloured bright red. The size of it is mediocre though, it is positioned in the center of the page which draws your attention to it more than if it were per say in the corner of the picture. It is kind of grotesque in the way that it is plain and its a fire extinguisher. As for humour, it is that kind of sarcastic humour, like its so hot that you need a fire extinguisher when you eat it.

3. The audience for this image I think would be men from the ages of 16-50. It really affects people who like their food spicy in reality, which could also be women, but spicy food is more common in men than in women I think.

4. I think this advertisement appeals to our adrenaline emotions (if those are a thing). By seeing this ad saying that this sauce is very hot, it plays with the daring side of us like 'oh man I've got to try that sauce it's supposed to be really hot'. Which by someone saying that gets someone else wanting to try it too because they are. Even if it does burn their mouths.

5. I don't really think that there is an ethical appeal to a bottle of hot sauce. It makes more of an emotional appeal to the fact of how hot it is and the people who love spicy food will have emotion while eating it.

6. The image and the text coincide with each other, there aren't many words on it and they are basically saying the same thing. If you see the picture it will lead you to read the words as well, or vice versa if you read the words it'll make you want to look at the picture as well/

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