Friday 12 May 2017

The Language of Advertising Claims

1. The Weasel Claim
Image result for the weasel claim advertisement

2. The Unfinished Claim

Image result for the unfinished claim advertisement

3. The "We're Different and Unique" Claim

Image result for water advertisements
4.The "Water is Wet" Claim
Image result for water advertisements

5.The "So What" Claim
Image result for beauty advertisements

6. The Vague Claim

Image result for product advertisements posters
7. The Endorsement or Testimonial
Image result for celebrity weight loss advertisements

8.The Scientific or Statistical Claim
Image result for statistical advertisements

9. The "Compliment the Consumer" Claim
Image result for complimenting advertisements

10. The Rhetorical Question

Image result for advertisements of beauty products

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