Wednesday 10 May 2017


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  • The voice in this ad is the fish, asking to the audience if you would care more if they were pandas instead of fish.
  • I believe that it is an authentic and credible voice speaking because it is true.

  • This ad would appear on environmental sites, would be put up as posters around at environmental events or could be posted anywhere really.
  • The ad is more so directed towards older people, that are environmentalists and care about our animals with a strong passion.
  • The race could be all, the gender could be either and the age from their twenties to their fourties. It wouldn't be directed towards young kids because I feel like they wouldn't get anything out of it and wouldn't completely understand the meaning.
  • I feel like the writer took a little bit unfair advantage to the reader because they are making them feel guilty because everyone cares about the pandas but doesn't care about the other animals that are also endangered.
  • The apparent purpose of the ad I think is for people to care about the animals and help the endangered species.
  • The actual purpose of the ad I believe is for the organization to gain money, by helping out the endangered animals you pay donations and with those donations they are able to have their company.
  • No it doesn't
  • There isn't a product being sold.
  • The ad doesn't conceal anything about the product necessarily, but the company. A couple years ago when WWF did their white coca cola cans for the polar bears, there was a rumor going around that they were using child laborers to make them in the factories. So whether that was true or that they continue to do harmful things, I am not sure.
  • The prime focus of the ad is to get people more aware about other animals that are endangered not just the precious pandas that everyone knows and cares about.
  • This ad definitely appeals to emotion because many many people are emotional about the environment and especially animals. 
  •  I think this ad appeals to one of the seven deathly sins, anger, because the fish are angry that humans only care about the pandas and not them.  
  • No it does not try to impress the reader with facts.
  • Yes, it is true that humans are mostly about panda bears, Whenever we are asked to name an endangered animal, automatically pandas come to mind because they are the most advertised, even the WWF logo is of a panda bear.
  • The overall design of the ad is dark and gloomy because that's what they want you to think the fish's life is like. The ad provider wants you to think that the fish's life is awful because nobody cares about them, and the panda mask on the fish just adds to the affect the ad will have on people.
  • The panda mask could be an attention-getting ploy as it is the only light coloured thing in a sea of dark.
  • There are no people in the ad, but the species of fish is tuna.
  • The fish are positioned in the ad coming towards us and kind of close together.
  • Costume plays the biggest part in the ad as one of the fish is wearing a panda mask and that is what the whole ad is based around because if he were a panda he thinks humanity would care more for them.
  • The setting is a dark ocean because they are in a dark place because they are endangered and their lives are of the line.
  • In this ad the fish is the product so the fish are represented as being gloomy and lonely and well endangered in the dark ocean.
  • the size of the fish with the mask is much bigger than all of the other ones so that it stands out and gets the point across easier. it is also bigger so that you can actually see that it is wearing a mask.
  • The colour in this ad is mostly dark, navy blue for the ocean, black for the fish and white for parts of the panda. just an overall dark and gloomy picture.
  • The only information on this ad besides the question, which is stating that the species of tuna is dying, but all we care about are the pandas and we don't even notice that they are dying. The other part of the text that you can notice is the WWF symbol which supports the reality of this ad. 
  • The ad is implying that tuna are being over fished and their numbers are going down drastically each year, but the only endangered animal humans are caring for are the pandas.
  • The ad is stating a question that is asking if you would care about them if they were pandas rather than tuna.
  • The question is large so that is clear and visible to read, but the text for the WWF is small and very very difficult to read.
  • Yes, the small print is in front of the WWF logo, which may only say all of the copyright stuff, or it could be saying something else but we don't really know because it is so tiny and no one can read it. 

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