Friday 28 April 2017

How we are influenced by media, propaganda and advertisements as a society

Image result for us propaganda Image result for advertisements
In our society we are influenced by media, advertisements and other forms of propaganda in many ways. One being the fact of how models are portrayed in our society, we are all brainwashed into thinking that we need to look and act like celebrities. Companies use photo shop and other editing features to make people look unrealistically good because that's how everyone 'should' look.
In some movies or television shows, in you pay close enough attention to the products being used there is some advertising in there sometimes. Whether it simply be a coke that they are drinking or a Mac Book they are using, it's still advertising and by seeing people in our favorite shows using these products we have it in our mind that we have to use them.
Advertising companies are very good at sneaking advertisements into things, like free apps always have advertisements that pop up everywhere, most computer sites have advertisements all over them and on TV there are always commercials during movies or TV shows.
The companies shape our world the way it is, it doesn't matter what you buy, you were influenced to buy it somehow. You buy your fancy new IPhone, well everyone else has them so why not you?
The government does the exact same thing, they put out an image on how good our society is, yet there's poverty in every city, they show how proud it is to serve the country and go to war so that they don't have to. They leak images about how awful countries are so that we get that in our minds and so we don's actually know how all of these different places are. For example, North Korea. WE have been taught since we were children how awful they are. In grade 8 we were shown a video of north Koreans executing and taking hostage our people, yet it doesn't show the reason for these things or how everyone else in that country lives.
It doesn't matter what you do, you can never get away from all of the media and propaganda going on in our world.

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