Friday 28 April 2017

Appealing To Your Audience

Image result for product advertisements

I think that this piece of advertisement is trying to say how the trees are our lungs and the more we cut the more of our oxygen is being taken away.
This advertisement is logical, emotional and ethical. it is logical being trees are scientifically proven to be our source of oxygen and it is also in many documentaries and environmental sites that our trees are being cut down whether its from logging companies, forest fires or simply just people cutting down trees for different reasons. The producer of this advertisement used a logical way of portraying this is because everyone believes statistics, they always believe what government organizations have to say.
This advertisement is emotional because it really gets in your emotions how much of the earth is being ruined, especially considering we need trees to live and they are being cut down. This visual representation was the best way to put it because the viewers get a clear image of how killing trees, also is killings us. An emotion that is being appealed can be fear for our earth and our human race, anger for the way the government is handling this, passion for our earth and how it is being destroyed.
This advertisement is also ethical I believe. It hits hard in the humanitarianism which is secular appeal to help others, save the environment, help the helpless, etc. Some may think that it is unethical to cut down trees, or that much of trees that they aren't growing back. It had worked in the past, cutting down trees. But doing it to also conserve the trees and our oxygen we have, not continuously cut down the trees and not continue to plant them back. Our earth will eventually run out of oxygen, but it will happen much faster if we keep abusing tour earth.

How we are influenced by media, propaganda and advertisements as a society

Image result for us propaganda Image result for advertisements
In our society we are influenced by media, advertisements and other forms of propaganda in many ways. One being the fact of how models are portrayed in our society, we are all brainwashed into thinking that we need to look and act like celebrities. Companies use photo shop and other editing features to make people look unrealistically good because that's how everyone 'should' look.
In some movies or television shows, in you pay close enough attention to the products being used there is some advertising in there sometimes. Whether it simply be a coke that they are drinking or a Mac Book they are using, it's still advertising and by seeing people in our favorite shows using these products we have it in our mind that we have to use them.
Advertising companies are very good at sneaking advertisements into things, like free apps always have advertisements that pop up everywhere, most computer sites have advertisements all over them and on TV there are always commercials during movies or TV shows.
The companies shape our world the way it is, it doesn't matter what you buy, you were influenced to buy it somehow. You buy your fancy new IPhone, well everyone else has them so why not you?
The government does the exact same thing, they put out an image on how good our society is, yet there's poverty in every city, they show how proud it is to serve the country and go to war so that they don't have to. They leak images about how awful countries are so that we get that in our minds and so we don's actually know how all of these different places are. For example, North Korea. WE have been taught since we were children how awful they are. In grade 8 we were shown a video of north Koreans executing and taking hostage our people, yet it doesn't show the reason for these things or how everyone else in that country lives.
It doesn't matter what you do, you can never get away from all of the media and propaganda going on in our world.

Tuesday 25 April 2017

How To Read An Advertisement

1. Who is the audience for the advertisement? How can you tell? What assumptions do the advertisers make about the audience?

The audience for this advertisement can be both. For women it would be that by using this brand of toothpaste they would somehow look like her and be as beautiful. For men, because she is such an attractive woman would draw them into buying the toothpaste so that she would somehow want them more because they use the same brand. Some assumptions that the advertisers could make about the audience is that they are insecure with their looks so they are driven to do anything they can to look more attractive and love the way they look.

2. Is this a populist advertisement? Or an elitist one? How can you tell? What traditions or standards does it rely upon to be understood in these terms?

This is a populist advertisement because its toothpaste; everyone can use toothpaste from the time they are young and just learning to brush their teeth until they are old and brush their false teeth. A tradition it relies upon is that everyone brushes their teeth, if no one brushed their teeth then no need for the toothpaste, no need for the advertisement.

3. What is your prior knowledge of the product? Of the advertisement? How does this help you understand the ad's meaning?

My prior knowledge to this product is that its just like any other toothpaste. It doesn't make your teeth any whiter than any other brand. The ad wants you to think that the toothpaste will make your teeth whiter as it is competing with all of the other brands that are doing the same thing, therefore this one needs to be better and convince more people to use this.

4. In what ways is the ad designed to manipulate you into buying the product? What emotions does it play upon? What desires does it commodify?

The ad is designed to manipulate you by making you think that you will get crazy white teeth and  you will look like her. the emotions that this plays upon is insecurity in what women look like and how others will think of them. No girl wants yellow teeth and not many girls are truly comfortable in their own skin, they are always wanting to look like someone else. the desires is commodifies is whiter teeth.

5. What unstated messages does the ad convey? What themes does it employ? What does the ad tell us about American culture?

Two unstated messages for this ad come from the woman. one message being if you use this toothpaste, you will look like her. Another being if you use this toothpaste you can get with her. I think the theme is sexuality. It stereotypes American culture as guys just wanting women that look this beautiful and that women don't want to be in their own skin and aren't happy with how they look.

Image result for crest toothpaste advertisements

Tuesday 4 April 2017

Filming Review

For me the hardest part of this was coming up with what my movie was going to be about. The filming however had its challenges like some days the actors would be kind of difficult, or the filming would be kind of shaky. It came out not completely how i expected but i mean, what can you really expect from a small film using stupid actors and my ipad. Editing was partially challenging just because i had a voice over so i had to time it properly with the scenes behind it, but other than that i basically just inserted the clips into Windows media Player.
But i mean personally i prefer holding the camera for the movie than actually being in the movie as i acted in some of my friends movies. 

How is excel beneficial?

Excel  can be beneficial in the sense that you can easily figure out how much a house, a car or anything you pay an insane amount of money for monthly will actually cost you in the long run so you have a good idea of how much money you will actually need and not be completely blindsided by the money.